
When you enter our website, we may collect your computer’s IP address. The IP address does not identify you as an individual but does identify your Internet service provider. Other non-personally identifiable information that we may collect include the type of Internet browser used, the type of computer operating system used, and the domain name of the website from which you visited our site. The information is aggregated to provide broad demographic information, such as the geographic location of visitors and how long they stay on our site. Collecting this type of information allows us to administer our site, diagnose server problems, analyze trends and statistics, and provide better customer service.


When you visit our website, we may send “cookies” to your computer. A cookie is a small text file or piece of data that a website that you visit can place or save onto your computer. Cookies do not themselves contain any personally identifiable information. However, if you provide such personally identifiable information to us, such information may be linked to the data stored in the cookie. There are two types of cookies. The first type saves a file for a longer period of time onto your computer, and it can remain on your computer after you shut it off. Such cookie could, for example, be used to tell a visitor what information on the website has been updated since his or her last visit to that website. The second type of cookie is called “session cookie.” While you are visiting a website, session cookies are temporarily stored in your computer’s memory. This could be done, for example, to keep track of what language you have chosen at the website. Session cookies are not stored for a long period of time on your computer, since they disappear when you close your web browser. We may use third parties to assist us in collecting or processing information obtained through cookies.