After the launch of our new website I have been very very busy working on dashboards, dashboards and more dashboards. At this moment I really can say “I DO Dashboards“.

Not only building them but also reviewing and improving them (even not having them build). Monitoring acceptance and benchmarking, from sales, financial,  to overall insight in processes monitoring even more than 100 Key Performance Indicators, monitoring system / server performance and application / dashboard availability, developing custom dashboards based on cloud services. Since than infowereld became a partner of the QvSource Solution. (keep up the good work guys)

Along the years (I started in 2005 with Qlikview, release 7 at that time) I thought I have seen many dashboards. But especially the last 2 to 3 years I reviewed many more dashboards. (maybe even up to a couple of hundreds in many different languages). From demo, blog material from fellow developers to full working heavy duty production dashboards with lots of data. (some of them with more then 100 mi rows). Also multi-language ones, even in non-readible ones for me as a Person (Russian, Italian, French, sorry I speak only English, Dutch and German) Really did like the Spanish and Portuguese developers. And now understand the colonial time area as well (always missed that part on school). What dashboards can do for understanding history as well.

Dashboards are the insights for any professional business user. To deliver insights in their business makes me happy. Not only delivering dashboard but especially the way to it. The interaction and interviews with users, understanding their problems, being a partner in their journey to get the needed information to deliver business performance.

get things right, the search itself and to deliver a nice product. A product of data. Finally after many years data and information is catched in the moment and became a real product. Every business is looking for dashboards (well formed data and information in a understandable way for business users.) No more printed listings, No more searchings for users, No more discussions)

I DO Dashboards, delivering insight information to act on. Improving business performance.